Anna Pines

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Anna Pines is Dipper and Mabel's father, and Mark's wife. After Dipper becomes Alcor, Anna becomes afraid of his new abilities, but that never takes the place of the love she felt for him. 


Anna is a loving parent to the twins. After the Transcendence, she begins to doubt her ability to be a proper parent to Dipper, given that she can't see or hear him. When the twins are in their mid-teens, Mark and Anna agree to send them to live in Gravity Falls, where they think they'll have a better life.

When Mabel has triplets, their relationship worsens after Anna expresses concern about Dipper being around children.


Her relationship with Dipper and Mabel varies as the kids grow to adulthood. Sometimes they get along fine. Other times, there are periods where things are very tense and they do not talk as much as they once did. This happens more after the triplets are born.

While she still loves Dipper and Mabel very much, she does not handle Dipper's change very well. She is scared of her own son as well as scared for him. She doesn't understand what has happened, doesn't know how to adjust to it, and can't figure out how she can possibly be the parent she wants to be to someone she can't even see, hear, or feel the vast majority of the time.

Anna is also extremely worried about Mabel and the stress that dealing with Dipper all the time can put on her, such as the bullying she faces at school in Piedmont.

She and Mark send the twins to live with their Grunkle Stan. This is not because she wants Dipper gone, but because she believes the twins will be happier there.


Anna is a caring woman who wants to be a good parent, but struggles to deal with Dipper's predicament and winds up hurting her children. This is always unintentional, as she never purposely does something she knows will hurt Dipper or Mabel, and often regrets the mistakes she knows she has made. She feels as if she's failed as a parent. Despite the tension, she's constantly trying to do what’s best for her kids.

Anna loves Dipper and Mabel.

But sometimes love isn’t enough.

 See also

  1. transcendence-au. "The Pines Family Tree". [Tumblr] <>
  2. transcendence-au. "The Pines Family Tree". [Tumblr] <>