Asopiel of the Shattering Sky

From Transcendence AU Wiki

Asopiel of the Shattering Sky is a low level demon with mostly weather-related powers.[1]

Physical description

She appears as a gaseous blue-edged cloud, more or less shaped like a woman. She has a wreath of tiny lightning curled around her shoulders.


Asopiel is low level enough that she is on a list of demons that are safe to summon by demonology undergraduates at Oregon University.


Thomas Strange summoned her for a class assignment and made a deal with her such that it would snow on Christmas. Asopiel complied more willingly than expected, due to the presence of Dipper Pines in the audience.


  1. dementor_ssc. "So you want to be a Demonologist" (2016). [Archive of Our Own] <>