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Bezemal is an angel, and the creator of the Order of Exorcists.[1]

Physical description

Bezemal's appearance is not widely known, as the Order of Exorcists does not traditionally value artwork; but is usually depicted as a pair of hands either holding a sword or displaying the protection mark to exorcists.[2] Bezemal typically takes an immaterial form of light with hands extending forward.

The Order of Exorcists

Bezemal created The Order for Exorcists in an attempt to further make humans subservient and have them aid in the production of order and elimination of demons. Each member of the Order is given Bezemal's mark, a circular sigil with a lattice pattern inside. This mark gives Bezemal ownership of their bodies and souls; making them perfect and disposable weapons in the fight against demons[3].


  1. abalovesfic. "Anonymous asked: hey Fang, what kind of tricks do you use to fight demons?". [Tumblr] <>
  2. abalovesfic. "Anonymous asked: Hey fang do you know what your patron angel looks like?". [Tumblr] <>
  3. aba_daba_do. "The Demon, The Exorcist, and the Memory". (2020) [Archive of Our Own] <>