Candy Chiu

From Transcendence AU Wiki

Candy Chiu is the owner of a supernatural weapons shop in Gravity Falls. She is one of Mabel Pines's childhood friends.


Candy knew Mabel before the Transcendence. After she returned to gravity Falls with her brother, both she and Grenda were ecstatic to have her back.

Upon reaching adulthood, Candy would start her own business selling supernatural weapons. It would grow to be incredibly successful, leading to her becoming very well known both within Gravity Falls and without.


She has sharp mind and a no-nonsense edge to her attitude. A proactive and a skilled combatant, Candy is a girl who can take care of herself. She's pro-supernatural rights, of course (knowing Dipper and all), and is very well informed on most things paranormal. She's also a bit of an inventor, and interested in working with prosthetics.


Candy is of Korean descent. She wears glasses, and has short hair. In artwork, as an adult, she is usually drawn wearing grey shorts, boots, and a green striped shirt.





Though the two are friends, she has literal tolerance for Dipper's 'shit' (as in, his scary voice/persona, etc.). Though Dipper usually feels pretty comfortable going all scary demon on people he's close with an won't take him seriously, Candy is one of the exceptions.

She and her friends used to try to give Dipper flash makeovers, and were completely undeterred when he became a demon. Candy used to take the opportunity to test out her weapons on him when he was feeling particularly evasive.

See also