
From Transcendence AU Wiki

Cani, also known as the Tooth Fairy, is a demon who primarily makes deals related to teeth.


Unlike most demons, Cani does not have a summoning circle. She can be summoned in a number of ways that line up with the ways different cultures traditionally deal with baby teeth. While this makes it more difficult to summon her at will, it works out for her because most of her clients are children, who would have difficulty drawing complex summoning circles.[1]

She deals in teeth because they contain childhood memories.[2] She has been known to trade teeth for five pound notes,[3] and to perform dental/orthodontic work.[4]


Cani's early history is unknown. She likely influenced the modern myth of the tooth fairy, but spent most of the modern era asleep. It was not until the Transcendence that she woke up and started making deals again.[4]


  1. transcendence-au. "Anonymous asked: Okay, we know how to summon Alcor...". [Tumblr] <>
  2. transcendence-au. "Anonymous asked: What if, the reason the teeth are so valuable to Cani...". [Tumblr] <>
  3. haberdashing (mod H). "Nothing But The Tooth" (2014). [Tumblr] <>
  4. 4.0 4.1 transcendence-au. "adnemcellen asked: HC: After the transcendence when the triplets...". [Tumblr] <>