Cassiopeia Polaris
Cassiopeia Polaris is a Mizar and current captain of the starship known as Tachi. She is very independent and dreams of becoming the best starship captain in the Volneas system. Always by her side is her faithful drone that houses the Alcor Virus.
Born in the deep space of the Volneas system known as the Belt, Cassiopeia spent the first six years of her life in space, going from ship to ship as her parents had a tendency to follow where the work was. Eventually they could no longer take care of her and abandoned her on the planet known as Aether.
Spending the rest of her childhood in a lower level orphanage, Cassiopeia obsessed over starships and making her way back to the cosmos, often spending her time studying and inventing. Quickly she discovered robotics and began making drones, always striving to make them better than before. Eventually this caught the eye of the Alcor Virus who began to infiltrate and take over each drone she made, leading to much frustration from the young woman.
As a young adult Cassiopeia performed work as a ship mechanic for a ship chop shop and also spent time as a ship breaker in the Belt before returning to resume her mechanic work. Outside of work hours, Cassiopeia would spend time working on a ship of her own creation.
Eventually she is contacted by a sleazy business man who makes her an offer she cannot refuse: enough Volnean credits to finish building her own ship.
Adventurous and intelligent, Cassiopeia embodies the charismatic and optimistic qualities most Mizars maintain. She is driven and very goal oriented, not letting anything get in her way as she works towards her goals. Cassiopeia is also a hard worker through and through, shown by all the effort she puts into learning everything there is to about spaceships and robotics. She believes that hard work is the key to making her goals and will not let anyone tell her otherwise.
Cassiopeia is also very independent and rarely asks for help from others but is also not afraid to ask for assistance when needed. She also does not like being compared to others and is very adamant on being seen as her own person.

Standing at an average height, Cassiopeia resembles most humans. She has peach colored skin, deep red hair that is typically tucked into a messy bun and forest green eyes. Cassiopeia's wardrobe mostly consists of her green vest, tan pants, brown leather thigh guards, utility belt and mag-boots. She also always wears a brown choker necklace that is accented with a blue pendant along with a pair of goggles that rest on top of her head. She typically carries her tool set, communicator among other tools of the trade. Cassiopeia is also typically covered in dirt and grease from working on spaceships.
Alongside her normally is AL-V, an airborne drone that is possessed by the Alcor Virus. This drone uses VSTOL and electromagnetic technology to fly and has 6 floating stabilizers. It is painted in a black and gold color scheme with brickwork and bat like wings decorating it, a style that is reminiscent of the Alcor Virus' digital appearance.
Abilities and weaknesses
- Moonfoxgazer. "Ritual". (2021). [AO3] <>
- Moonfoxgazer. "Destiny Bond". (2021). [AO3] <>
- Moonfoxgazer. "Concentrate". [Tumblr] <>