
From Transcendence AU Wiki
Lady Star Mittens, a Mizar that reincarnated as a cat

A cat is a small domestic feline commonly kept as a house pet by humans. Cats are notable in that nearly all of them display some degree of the Sight, and many of them possess supernatural abilities.[1]

Sight and Abilities

By the early 2200s, numerous research studies had been conducted on the abilities of cats. It has been proven that over 97% of cats will react to supernatural phenomenon invisible to those without the Sight,[1] including Dipper when he is in the Mindscape.[2]

Many cats are also able to turn invisible or teleport, with invisibility being by far the most common power. Most cats are able to turn invisible for periods of time ranging from a few minutes to half an hour. However, some cats can stay invisible for days. Teleportation is slightly less common, but not unheard of.[1]

While there are rumors that some cats can see the future, by the 23rd century, this had yet to be proven.[1]


  • Dipper has a well-documented dislike of cats, and avoids them even when he's in his darkest periods.[3] They tend to stare at him,[3][4] which he finds creepy.[2]

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Feneris. "Supernatural Powers of the Common House Cat" (2016). [Archive of Our Own] <>
  2. 2.0 2.1 transcendence-au. "Anonymous asked: Does Dipper like any animals besides sheep?". [Tumblr] <>
  3. 3.0 3.1 Seiya234 (mod S). "Shooting Stars, chapter 284" (2014). [Archive of Our Own] <>
  4. Seiya234 (mod S). "Shooting Stars, chapter 247" (2014). [Archive of Our Own] <>