Circle of the Dreamer's Star

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The Circle of the Dreamer's Star is a religion worshipping Alcor the Dreambender as their deity.

Core Beliefs

The Circle believes that Alcor cycles through phases where he acts considerably different towards humans. During the centuries that he helps children, makes fair deals, and sometimes goes easy on his summoners, he is known to them as the Star. His Star persona is treated as a benevolent deity who is safe to worship. When he loses these qualities and becomes violent, deceitful, and bloodthirsty, the Circle refers to him as the Beast. The Beast is treated as a vengeful deity who is typically not summoned.

The Circle follow Alcor's Star persona as a guideline for worship and daily practices. Circle members do not perform human sacrifices, and act charitably towards children and innocents.

Overtime, branches or chapters with particular or unique beliefs form. Certain branches believe Mizar to be a key figure in revealing Alcor's Star persona, and try to track Mizar's incarnations; while other branches are more loose in this interpretation, believing that multiple souls could cause Alcor to become more benevolent.[1] However, this belief is not always held.


The Circle holds bi-annual summonings near the winter and summer solstices. Circle members communicate beforehand to ensure that different branches don't attempt to summon him at the same time.

Circle members have also been reported to summon Alcor to oversee or officiate weddings.


  • The New Portland chapter of the Circle created a children's book to explain concepts to their children. [1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 aba_daba_do "The Demon, The Exorcist, and The Memory". (20200 [Archive of Our Own] <>