From Transcendence AU Wiki
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A dragon is a supernatural creature that is large, reptilian, and flies. They are famous for their hoarding tendencies, and many hoard gold or other precious objects, though some, like Kiyo, have been known to hoard more mundane items like books.[1] Dragons have extraordinarily long lives, and can live for a few millennia if they're lucky.[2][3]
There is at least one subspecies of dragon that possesses the intelligence of an average house cat. Members of this subspecies are occasionally kept as pets.[4]

See also
- ↑ transcendence-au. "Anonymous asked: Heya! Just wondering if there was any canonical stuff on dragons for this AU?". [Tumblr] <https://www.tumblr.com/transcendence-au/629091129282985984/heya-just-wondering-if-there-was-any-canonical?source=share>
- ↑ Seiya234 (mod S). "Hank and His Supernatural Mafia" (2014). [Archive of Our Own] <https://archiveofourown.org/works/2599724?view_full_work=true>
- ↑ ThisCat. "Small things about demons, chapter 24: Let the sun rise" (2015). [Archive of Our Own] <https://archiveofourown.org/works/4829432/chapters/13968778>
- ↑ ToothPasteCanyon (mod T). "Just Watch Me" (2020). [Archive of Our Own] <https://archiveofourown.org/works/26839120/chapters/65481388>