Feedback AU
"You think that because you were lost in the multiverse for thirty years, gearing up for your full-frontal assault on Bill Cipher's fortress, narrowly escaping the jaws of death countless times, that you know what Hell is. But, have you ever sat at the deathbed of a dear friend, watching as they died, and knowing you could never join them in that big Mystery Shack in the sky? Have you ever had your childhood, your future, your innocence, your very humanity, ripped away from you by a monster's desperate gamble? Have you ever killed the woman you loved in a fit of maniacal, inhuman rage, and found yourself, kneeling in her blood, horrified at what you'd done? What about making your twin sibling sell you their soul, something that could exile them from paradise according to certain religions, in a desperate bid to save the one thing keeping whatever fragile grip on sanity and humanity you have left intact? Because I promise you this, Stanford Filbrick Pines... you know nothing of Hell."- Alcor the Dreambender.

Feedback AU is a sub-AU.[1]
In the year 20-Snyventy-12, Time Baby sends a squad of his best soldiers, equipped with extremely powerful and dangerous relics and equipment blessed and endowed by various deities, including the Axolotl and the big guy upstairs himself, to capture Alcor out of apparent fear that the demon might one day challenge his rule of the world and take him out. Despite his immense level of power at the time, Alcor found his back against the wall, and in a desperate attempt to escape, the dream demon used his newest and most dangerous power, and attempted to create a feedback loop. Unfortunately, Alcor ends up in the canon universe of Gravity Falls in the form of a sixteen-year old teenage human, despite not losing an ounce of his raw demonic power. Once there, Alcor quickly befriends the Pines family and devises a plan to pose as Stanley Pines’ grandson that he didn’t know about, and takes part in the Pines’ hijinks and misadventures throughout the summer, as well as getting up to hijinks of his own before the twins' inevitable return for their second summer.
Notable Features of this AU are:
- Alcor the Dreambender is voiced by Troy Baker. See here for a demonstration of what Alcor sounds like in this sub-AU.
- Alcor refuses to tell his origins to his younger counterpart, Mabel Pines, Stanley Pines, Stanford Pines, or anyone for that matter, and it isn’t until Dipper and Ford use the Mind Reader during the events of The Last Mabelcorn that they learn the full story of the events of the Transcendence and that Alcor has, from their perspective, been living a fate worse than death, especially after he accidentally killed the Wendy Corduroy of his dimension in a fit of demonic rage and the Mabel from his dimension passed away.
- Alcor has been shown to be very skilled on the violin, to the point where Dipper considers trading in his tuba for a violin, despite, in The Dreambender's own words, "having picked up the violin for shits and giggles, then, he liked it, then he got pretty good at it." Furthermore, Alcor has been noted to seem as though he is at peace while playing the violin.
- Alcor has an alarmingly nonchalant manner when talking about major events that do not directly affect him personally that he has either caused or been complicit in during his centuries-long life, regardless of how horrific or devastating they are to the rest of the world or even those persent, even casually refering to the California Incident that took place on April 29, 2038, which destroyed countless cities and killed hundreds of millions of people, Dipper and Mabel's own parents and their entire hometown of Piedmont being among the casualties, as "that one time I broke California."
- ↑ TheRedeemer1995. "The Monster I Could Become" (2020). [Archive of Our Own] <>