Fiddleford McGucket

From Transcendence AU Wiki

Fiddleford Hadron "Old Man" McGucket is a Transcendence Era inventor living in Gravity Falls.


From the mid-1970s, Fiddleford attended Backupsmore University with Stanford Pines, where the two became friends. He briefly moved to Palo Alto and began inventing personal computers (under the company McGucket Labs) before Stanford asked him work in Gravity Falls to assist in his research. Following an incident with Bill Cipher and the portal, McGucket was desperate to forget the event and invented a memory eraser ray. He was considered to be crazy by the townsfolk and lived in a junk yard for the next 30 years.

Following the Transcendence, Fiddleford regained his past memories. He reopened McGucket Labs and went on to invent early MagiTech, with some accidental help from Dipper Pines.[1] He remained a close friend and ally of the Pines family.


Prior to the Transcendence, McGucket had a long, unkept white beard, an old hat, and shabby, brown overalls. He hunched and scampered when he walked. Following his recovery from years of memory eraser ray usage, McGucket improves his appearance– combing and trimming his beard, wearing 1970s era clothing, and walking more upright.


While previously considered the town's "local kook", McGucket is highly intelligent, inventive, and supportive. He still continues to use odd phrases such as "scrapdoodle" and "shim-sham" alongside his other typically Southern expressions and accents, though this is more of a personality trait than a sign of his previous insanity. He is optimistic and willing to help his friends in any way possible.

See also


  1. aba_daba_do. "What is Dark Within Me, Illumine" (2017). [Archive of Our Own] <>