Hannah Feunna

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Hannah Feunna was a woman who had just joined the Coast Guard when the Transcendence happened. She subsequently discovered she had the Sight, and helped guide ships during the perilous Antarctica Rescue.[1]


Hannah was around 19 when the Transcendence happened. She discovered she had the Sight when she was able to point out sea monsters around Antarctica and save her ship from being destroyed. The Coast Guard, scrambling to deal with the effects of the Transcendence, made her a 'magical lookout' and put her in the ship's bridge to deal with the new threats.

However, Hannah was a very shy and anxious person and did not deal well with being put in a major position of responsibility. The ship's commander, Ann Rein, was often skeptical of her claims. When Hannah caught sight of a very dangerous presence around a station they were about to perform a rescue on, she did not insist they turn back.

During this rescue, Hannah and the rescue group were attacked by strange black tendrils that forced people's souls out and possessed them. Hannah was also attacked by these tendrils, but as she was more magically attuned, it ended up merging with her soul and altering it.



  1. ToothPasteCanyon (mod T). "The Ice and the Fire That Fades" (2018). [Archive of Our Own] <https://archiveofourown.org/works/16197440>