Heather Sawyer

From Transcendence AU Wiki

Heather Sawyer is a radio station operator from the Transcendence era. She once dated Mabel Pines for six months, and tried to use Dipper Pines's true name against him.[1]

Physical description

Heather has curly blonde hair.[1]


She has an infectious laugh and is sweet enough that Mabel thought she was the person she wanted to marry. However, Heather has a dark side to her, and did not love Mabel as much as Mabel loved her.[1][2]


A year before Mabel met Henry Pines, she and Heather had a six month relationship. While Mabel believed she was in love with Heather, Heather did not feel the same, and was only using her to get close to Dipper.[1]

She eventually summoned Dipper to the Mystery Shack and bound him using his true name, asking for money, a new car, and a seat in Congress. She threatened to release the personal information of his family and friends to the whole world if he didn't comply with her demands. Mabel discovers this was happening just in time, and freed Dipper and broke up with Heather.

Heather then moved to the Falkland Islands and spent the rest of her life operating a radio station and sleeping with the lights on.

She once helped Acacia, Hank, and Willow Pines out when they were stranded in the Falkland Islands without any gasoline. She told them she'd regretted what she'd done to Mabel, although she didn't know that she was talking to Mabel's children.[3]



  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 transcendence-au. "Anonymous asked: What was Mabel's last relationship before Henry like?". [Tumblr] <https://transcendence-au.tumblr.com/post/131193804913/what-was-mabels-last-relationship-before-henry>
  2. seiya234 (mod S). "Three Times Dipper Cheered Mabel Up" (2016). [Tumblr] <https://seiya234.tumblr.com/post/137856737434/three-times-dipper-cheered-mabel-up>
  3. boopboopitydoop. "Untitled" (2015). [Tumblr] <https://transcendence-au.tumblr.com/post/132022645894/inspired-by-this-take-a-vacation-on-an>
  4. transcendence-au. "actualagentwashington-blog asked: Would Heather Sawyer happen to be a Heathers...". [Tumblr] <https://transcendence-au.tumblr.com/post/139813836604/would-heather-sawyer-happen-to-be-a-heathers>