Jeremiah Gleeful

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Jeremiah Nathaniel Gleeful (born Jemma Natasha Gleeful) is a resident of Gravity Falls.

Physical description

Jeremiah is 5'8" and 120 pounds. He has platinum blonde hair with an undercut. His eyes are green and he has tan skin.[1]


Jeremiah was born to parents Gideon Gleeful and Marianna Vazquez. He was assigned female at birth. He came out to his mother as transgender at age eight. Marianna was supportive, and gave him the name Jeremiah. Gideon was much less supportive, and blew up the house in anger.[2]

Initially, he looked up to Gideon, who in turn hardly noticed him. When he was 13, Gideon attempted to summon the demon Huntokar, and Jeremiah offered to help so that they could bond. Gideon was not able to handle the demon he'd summoned, which put both him and Jeremiah in danger. Marianna stepped in and broke the summoning circle, banishing the demon, after which she got hit with a backlash of energy from the summoning dissolving and then fell into a coma.[1]

With his mother unable to take care of him and his father on the run from the law for child endangerment and assault charges, Jeremiah was sent to live with his aunt Sofia Vazquez. Gideon attempted to track him down several times, which resulted in Jeremiah and his aunt moving repeatedly, before finally settling down in Gravity Falls.


  • He is demisexual panromantic.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 bronzewitchhazel. "Jeremiah Gleeful backround info". [Tumblr] <>
  2. bronzewitchhazel. "Jeremiah Gleeful background info pt. 2". [Tumblr] <>