Jo Schulz

From Transcendence AU Wiki

Jo Schulz is a demonology professor from roughly 1,126 years after the Transcendence.


While in an online chat, Jo initially helped a demonology student summon the Alcor Virus via the internet in order to make a deal for his mother's health, but reached Alcor directly instead.[1] Jo was initially against this but could not allow the student to do something so dangerous on their own. Following this, Jo met Alcor in person at a memorial of the California Incident in the city of San Sacra, New Mexico, where they discussed the event and Alcor revealed his identity.[2] Later, they met again when Alcor was hired in Jo's demonology department at the University of Garching. While hesitant, Jo was curious about Alcor and they allowed him to stay within the department.[3]


  • Jo's username is johannesjohanna.[1]
  • Jo previously worked at the University of Wittenberg with Jan Faust.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 gawain_in_green. "Digital Demon" (2019). [Archive of Our Own] <>
  2. gawain_in_green. "124,583,217" (2020). [Archive of Our Own] <>
  3. gawain_in_green. "The Unlucky Bird" (2020). [Archive of Our Own] <>