John Tenney

From Transcendence AU Wiki

John Tenney is a reincarnation of Gideon Gleeful. He is most well known as the host and producer of the ghost hunting show Extreme Exorcisms!! during the SYWTBAD arc.


Physical Description

Tenney has dark skin, blindingly white hair styled in a pompadour, and a megawatt smile. While on-camera, he usually wears his trademark pinstripe suit.


During the filming of the season two finale of Extreme Exorcisms, Tenney led his team of exorcists, along with guest demonology consultant Elisabeth Adams, down into the underwater Xuerus Bunker, which had at one point been the base for a cult dedicated to the demon Xuerus.[1]


Although Tenney may seem sympathetic and caring on-camera, most of this is an act. In reality, while he may call you "dear" and offer a comforting hand on your shoulder, in his mind, the show comes before all else. He has been known to break the law and risk the lives of his co-stars and crew to achieve a more exciting episode.


Although he does have the Sight, his coworkers are unsure how much of his 'senses' are real, and how much is just a show he puts on for the camera. He has the ability to command and exorcise spirits.


  1. dementor_ssc. "Season Finale" (2017). [Archive of Our Own] <>