
From Transcendence AU Wiki

Jupiter is a rat that Dipper Pines revived following a gruesome death. This caused her to become a zombie, and ended up giving her both sentience and a bit of demonic energy.[1]

Physical description

Thanks to gaining a bit of demonic power from Alcor, she has a black mark on her chest that looks like a bowtie. She can also conjure tiny wings just like Alcor's which allow her to fly.[1]


Dipper Pines

Dipper is the one who revived her after her death, and she is very grateful to him for that. She usually calls him "daddy", which annoys him, although sometimes she mixes it up and calls him "Master Alcor". She follows him around and helps gather information for him.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 transcendence-au. "doodled Alcor’s lil rat friend that he revived from a gruesome death...". [Tumblr] <https://transcendence-au.tumblr.com/post/120529836033/doodled-alcors-lil-rat-friend-that-he-revived>