Lydia Beale

From Transcendence AU Wiki

Lydia Victoria Beale is Mira Ramachandran and Ian Beale's first child.

Physical description

She has her mother's eyes and hair, but is lighter in skin tone like her father. She grows up to be taller than anyone expected her to be considering her parentage, and is lanky.[1]


Lydia is quiet, observant, and has a dry, wicked sense of humor that always surprises people who don't know her. She's a bit of a bookworm and often has a hard time shaking herself out of her comfort zone.[1]


Ian Beale

Ian is Lydia's father. After she was born, he spent many sleepless nights simply watching her, worrying that she would die, and wrestling with the dark thoughts in his head that tried to tell him that it wouldn't matter anyway.[2]

Dipper Pines

Despite Lydia being so different from his sister's kids, Dipper loved Lydia from the start. She was entirely her own new person and he didn't want to compare her to anyone else. One of the ways he found that she differed from Mabel's triplets was that she had colic as a baby, which was tough on Mira and Ian and which Dipper helped out with a lot.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 marypsue (mod M). "Anonymous asked: Did you have names in mind for Ian's kids?". [Tumblr] <>
  2. seiya234 (mod S). "Untitled" (2015). [Tumblr] <>
  3. Seiya234 (mod S). "Shooting Stars, chapter 203" (2016). [Archive of Our Own] <>