Matthews and Card

From Transcendence AU Wiki

Mathews and Card are two police officers who miss the days when all they had to worry about was occasionally dealing with a couple of kids spray painting walls that didn't belong to them.


Unfortunately enough for the pair, ever since busting a cult, they've tended to have gotten stuck dealing with more supernatural oriented cases.

Interestingly enough, they sometimes arrive at the scene only to find the cultists already gagged and bagged by none other than Alcor the Dreambender himself.

Later, they are offered a chance to participate in Dipper's 'Death Match' for a chance to win a time wish, but refuse.


Card (pictured above, on the right) appears to be to be of slimmer build than Matthews, and posses more angular features. Mathews has thicker arms, and is of taller stature. additionally, his face is rounder, and his nose beaked.


Mathews appears to be the more reserved of the two.



They occasionally run into him while on the job, and he pops in from time to time often just to mess with them. While at first understandably freaked out by the demon, they've kind of grown to accept having to deal with him. He still manages to freak them out sometimes, but he's more of an annoyance than anything.

Sergeant Rushma Pattabi

Their serious superior officer. She once tried to order them to get her a sandwich.