Michael Carell

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Michael Carell is a pro-nat schoolteacher. He taught fourth-graders in Lancaster until he was taken down by the Lunch Bunch.[1]


Michael was born in Milquetoast, Florida to a family of pro-nats. Much of his early life is unknown. At some point, he worked as an elementary school teacher in his hometown. In an attempt to educate his students about how preters are dangerous, he inadvertently caused a swarm of pixies to terrorize the town. This resulted in him being ostracized from the community and disowned by his family.[1]

He then moved to Lancaster, Alabama, and got a job as a fourth grade teacher. Despite trying to put his pro-nat views behind him, he ended up kidnapping a kitsune student, Felicity Lewis, and attempted to harvest her tail for its lifespan-lengthening properties. He was stopped and killed by the rest of the Lunch Bunch.


  1. 1.0 1.1 StarlightSystem (mod F). "The New Teacher" (2019). [Archive of Our Own] <https://archiveofourown.org/works/19760887>