Michaela Pendelton

From Transcendence AU Wiki
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Michaela Pendelton is a Mizar who lived 200 years after the Transcendence.[1] Her brother died when he was 6, and Alcor the Dreambender comforted her by telling her to make paper stars whenever she was sad.[2]

Physical description

She has shoulder-length brown hair, fair skin, brown eyes, and freckles on her nose.[2]


  1. bipbop-dipdop. "Anonymous asked: I loved your fic about Michaela and Alcor...". [Tumblr] <https://transcendence-au.tumblr.com/post/107285706308/i-loved-your-fic-about-michaela-and-alcor-the>
  2. 2.0 2.1 biplet. "Paper Stars" (2015). [Tumblr] <https://biplet.tumblr.com/post/147974754061/paper-stars>