Minnow Simons

From Transcendence AU Wiki

Minnow Simons is a Mizar that is alive four and a half centuries after the Transcendence.


Minnow has short gray-blonde hair with a glittering silver stripe down the side. He has light-colored eyes, smiles often, and dresses very femininely, often wearing makeup and brightly colored, glittery clothes. He is also shorter than average.[1]


Minnow is very friendly and cheerful, the sort of person who everyone likes and who, in turn, tries to like everyone. He has a pretty aggressive flirting style and mostly hangs out with girls. He isn't easily phased by much, even when faced with objectively shocking situations.[1]


After moving to a new town and a new high school, Minnow met Rick and they started dating. Eventually, Rick brought him to South Dakota to meet the Woodsman's Daughters. There, Minnow met Alcor for the first time and learned he was actually Mizar.[1]


Rick Harland

Although initially, Minnow thought Rick didn't like him, after Rick defended him from a group of bullies, they eventually started dating. In reality, Rick had only been so nervous and awkward around Minnow because he had a huge crush on him.[1]


  • Minnow's favorite flower is orchids.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 ThisCat. "The Woodsman's Daughters" (2015). [Archive of Our Own] <https://archiveofourown.org/works/4938688?view_full_work=true>