New Canaan Methodist Church

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The New Canaan Methodist Church is a pro-nat extremist hate group. After the Transcendence, they quickly became notorious for the ferocity and venom they directed towards the supernatural. They were well known for their public protests and sermons. They also later became known for the kidnappings and beatings that they had been carrying out for years against preters.[1]

In 2040, a branch of the NCMC in Caney Patch kidnapped Willow Pines with the intention to exorcise her. Dipper Pines and Henry Pines intervened to save her life. This is when Dipper first transformed Henry into The Woodsman. The two of them subsequently murdered everyone in the Caney Patch branch of the church.[2]



  1. Seiya234 (mod S). "Shooting Stars, chapter 25" (2014). [Archive of Our Own] <>
  2. Seiya234 (mod S). "The Woodsman" (2014). [Archive of Our Own] <>