Paloma Heart

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Paloma Heart is a reincarnation of Henry Pines. She was alive around the same time as Ian Beale and Mira Ramachandran in the Reincarnation Blues Arc, but died before the events of the series. Paloma died after being experimented on by the US government during their research on reincarnation, and her soul was artificially bound to the physical plane after death. Dipper had to consume her soul to set her free and let her rejoin the reincarnation cycle.


Paloma Heart went missing in 3008. Police treated her disappearance as a voluntary runaway situation, and her body was eventually found in a wrecked car in Nevada. The independent autopsy that her family paid for revealed that she'd been tortured both physically and magically.[1]


  • Before she died, Paloma's antlers sprouted pears.[2]


  1. MaryPSue (mod M). "Reincarnation Blues" (2015). [Archive of Our Own] <>
  2. transcendence-au. "theitalianscribe asked: I wanted to do a fic, but first I need to know what all the cannon R!Henrys are and what plants grow off of their antlers.". [Tumblr] <>