Pitt Cola

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Pitt Cola is a peach-flavored soda enjoyed by people from Gravity Falls.

New Pitt

During the So You Want To Be a Demonologist Arc, the company that produces Pitt Cola changed the recipe used to make it, and started marketing the new drink as New Pitt. Dipper Pines took an immediate dislike to the new drink, stating that it tasted nothing like the original. He convinced a group of demonology undergraduates to summon him and make a deal that allowed him to visit the dreams of the Pitt Cola board of directors and convince them to return the soda to its original recipe.[1]

See also


  1. dementor_ssc. "So you want to be a Demonologist " (2016). [Archive of Our Own] <https://archiveofourown.org/works/6630457/chapters/15171121>