Quarantine AU

From Transcendence AU Wiki

Quarantine AU is a sub-AU where Stanford Pines gets to Dipper after the Transcendence before Mabel does. His actions result in Dipper being a lot more isolated and demonic for many years before reuniting with his family. Like Drift AU, there are multiple variants of this AU.[1]

Light variant

In Light Quarantine AU, Ford encounters Dipper after the Transcendence and convinces him that he's a monster who needs to stay away from the Pines family. Dipper takes this to heart and doesn't attempt to make contact with Mabel.[1] He spends a years playing up the part of a demon, and establishes quite a bloody reputation. However, he also does small favors for Mabel and the rest of the family without their knowledge, using the excess power that he gets from deals.[2] This includes saving Willow's life when she would have died being born.[3]

Mabel notices the small clues and favors that Dipper performs for her and she becomes curious about the supernatural, and about what really happened to her brother. She moves to Gravity Falls after high school so she could study right at the source of the Transcendence, and have access to Ford's research, as he's the most knowledgable person in the world about the supernatural at that point.

Mabel eventually makes contact with Dipper again and is relieved that he's alive.

Heavy variant

In Heavy Quarantine AU, Ford recognizes that the demon that looks like his nephew is weak, so he takes advantage of this and traps Dipper in an array of binding spells and containment wards. He quarantines Dipper in his laboratory and doesn't let anyone else in the family know about it. Because Dipper is completely cut off from humanity, he gradually loses his mind until he can only barely remember being Dipper and is so traumatized that he is almost entirely run by his demonic instincts.[1]

Mabel eventually finds Dipper in her great uncle's lab and immediately trusts the demon even though he at that point is barely able to speak. She and the rest of the family are furious at Ford, moreso than in the lighter variant of the AU, and he is no longer welcome at home. Mabel (with the help of Stan and Henry) slowly help Dipper regain his humanity, although it takes years to muddle through his trauma and there are many setbacks along the way.[2]

Darker variant

There is a sub-variant of Heavy known as Darker variant, in which Dipper, after being freed from quarantine, is not able to recover from his trauma and remains largely demonic and childish in personality.[4] He almost always stays in his 12-year old form, even years after the Transcendence.[5]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 feferipeixes (mod F). "Anonymous asked: TAU sub AU where Ford(or somebody else maybe Gideon idk) gets to Dipper first...". [Tumblr] <https://feferipeixes.tumblr.com/post/190517949805/tau-sub-au-where-fordor-somebody-else-maybe>
  2. 2.0 2.1 feferipeixes (mod F). "Anonymous asked: (diff anon here just interested in the idea)Quarantine AU permanently scars Dipper...". [Tumblr] <https://feferipeixes.tumblr.com/post/190551292906/diff-anon-here-just-interested-in-the>
  3. feferipeixes (mod F). "Anonymous asked: Light quarantine - Mabel noticed the small clues...". [Tumblr] <https://feferipeixes.tumblr.com/post/190607483006/light-quarantine-mabel-noticed-the-small-clues>
  4. feferipeixes (mod F). "Anonymous asked: Aaah ok I'm getting so many Quarantine ideas-...". [Tumblr] <https://feferipeixes.tumblr.com/post/190570754745/aaah-ok-im-getting-so-many-quarantine-ideas-in>
  5. KJynx. "Subject 17" (2020). [Archive of Our Own] <https://archiveofourown.org/works/22537324>

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