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Quedoch is a demon.

Physical appearance

He has many horns, which apparently are of interest to demonologists.


His specific powers are unknown. He has standard demon powers, such as the ability to be summoned and to make deals. Ordinarily, summoning him requires slaughtering a lamb, but Thomas Strange was able to fake this by mixing his own blood into a bucket of lamb's blood and dressing in a lamb costume. His summoning incantation is:[1]

Quedoch the Oxyacanthous, I call for thee. Quedoch the Many-Horned, I call for thee. Quedoch of the Red-Stained Wool and Empty Meadows, I call for thee. Come!


  1. dementor_ssc. "So Your Best Friend Is A Demon, chapter 7: Not Cut Out For Animal Sacrifice" (2016). [Archive of Our Own] <https://archiveofourown.org/works/7167431/chapters/17918770>