Wendy Corduroy

From Transcendence AU Wiki

Wendy Corduroy is a renowned demon hunter from the Transcendence era.


As a teenager, Wendy worked as a cashier in the Mystery Shack. It was while working there that she met Mabel and Dipper Pines, with whom she began investigating the mysteries of Gravity Falls.[1]

Wendy continues to live in Gravity Falls, and eventually becomes a well-known demon hunter and cult-basher. She usually works alone, however, every now and again Alcor joins in on the action.

In the future, she is remembered as 'Wenda', and is featured in quite a few novels of her own. Predictably, she also finds her way into Twin Souls canon as 'the occasional jealous lover'.

Though in media her and Alcor are often portrayed as allies, many historians believe them to have been enemies.


Wendy mysteriously disappeared in the prime of her career, and was never found. As of such, the details of her death are unknown, and it is said that Alcor is the only one who knows what really happened to her.[2] There are a number of theories about her death:

  • At some point, Alcor lost control of his demon side and accidentally killed Wendy. Filled with grief, he later turned her ghost into his fox familiar, Anser.[3]
  • Wendy was kidnapped by a cult of Alcor that was convinced she was his mortal enemy. In an attempt to gain his favor, they killed her as a sacrifice to him.[4]
  • Wendy was killed by a hatchling demon and returned as a ghost. Alcor then ate her soul so that she could return to the reincarnation cycle and not be stuck as a ghost.[5]


Wendy exudes a cool, laid back attitude that persists into adulthood. She boasts an air of confidence born of experience, and is highly skilled in combat.


Wendy is a female with a red head of hair. At an unspecified point in her career, she loses an eye. It's possible that she and Acacia would sometimes wear matching eyepatches.



Wendy is quick to accept Dipper after his transformation, and remains close friends with him until the end. Their activities range from playing at the arcade to fighting side by side while exchanging playful banter. They spar from time to time, and it's evident that they each hold a great deal of respect for the other.


As with Dipper, Wendy remains close with Mabel. Occasionally, she'll team up with her on one of her supernatural cases, or fill in for her with Dipper when she can't make it (like when she's pregnant with the triplets).


Hank Pines, Acacia Pines, Willow Pines

Wendy is like a cool aunt to the triplets, hanging out with them and occasionally teaching them things like lumber-jacking.


  • Wendy makes her deals with Dipper by giving him high fives rather than shaking his hand.[6]

See also


  1. Hirsch, Alex, (creator, prod, dir, writer). Gravity Falls. (2012) Disney Channel. Burbank, California. Television.
  2. transcendence-au. "What about Wendy?". [Tumblr] <https://transcendence-au.tumblr.com/post/101143006568/what-about-wendy-wendys-favorite-weapon-is>
  3. transcendence-au. "HC about Wendy and Anser (Alcor’s fox familiar)". [Tumblr] <https://transcendence-au.tumblr.com/post/107952293103/hc-about-wendy-and-anser-alcors-fox-familiar>
  4. criss-croissant. "Mistakes" (2014). [Tumblr] <https://criss-croissant.tumblr.com/post/105068233874/mistakes>
  5. MaryPSue (mod M). "Unfinished Business" (2015). [Archive of Our Own] <https://archiveofourown.org/works/5027401>
  6. transcendence-au. "Anonymous asked: imagine Wendy's deals with Dipper...". [Tumblr] <https://transcendence-au.tumblr.com/post/99975864623/imagine-wendys-deals-with-dipper-being-a>