Alice Pines

From Transcendence AU Wiki

Alice Pines is a reincarnation of Stanley Pines.[3] She is a descendant of Mabel and Henry Pines, specifically through Hank's family.[1]

Physical description

With her waist-length red hair, pale skin, green eyes, and freckles, she looks very similar to Wendy Corduroy.[2] However, she pays considerably more attention to clothes. Her style is very business casual, with a little bit of glamour sprinkled in. She bobbed her hair when she was about twenty-five and decided she hated it, and never got it cut short again.[4]


She was born in Portland, but moved to Gravity Falls when she was 14. She told her uncle Mike that this was because she wanted to get involved with the family business, but in reality it was because she got arrested for selling outlawed potions and charms. Her family, knowing that she would only get in more trouble if she stayed in Portland and hung around the Dinner Crew, sent her to Gravity Falls in the hopes that it would keep her out of trouble.[1]

Alice befriends Dipper and Belle on their visit to Gravity Falls, giving them a tour around town and helping them get access to Journal 3.[2] 


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 marypsue (mod M). "haberdashing asked: Do I even need to say which story I want to hear more about?". [Tumblr] <>
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 MaryPSue (mod M). "Return, Rewind, Rewrite" (2014). [Archive of Our Own] <>
  3. transcendence-au. "theitalianscribe asked: That RRR post gave me 2 thoughts...". [Tumblr] <>
  4. transcendence-au. "Mod M jumped on the bandwagon and did up some physical descriptions for her OCs!". [Tumblr] <>