Cult of Dippingsauce

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The Cult of Dippingsauce is a cult dedicated to Alcor the Dreambender. Unlike most cults of Alcor, it has a friendly and casual relationship with its patron demon. It was started by Cassandra Locklear, but later word spread and others outside of Cassie's friend group formed chapters.[1]

Years after the deaths of its original members, the cult would be revitalized by Marianne and Angelo for Dipper's birthday.[2]


  • The Cult of Dippingsauce's mascot was a rabbit named Lepus, who had been brought to a meeting as a sacrifice by Justin.
  • Their summoning circles were often drawn with scented markers.
  • They declared proper offering for Alcor was either toffee, caramel, or ice cream.


  1. transcendence-au. "Anonymous asked: omg, I read about Alcor-worshipping cult...". [Tumblr] <>
  2. Lady_Phenyx. "Tales of a Dreambender, Chapter 84: Happy Birthday, Alcor!" (2014). [Archive of Our Own] <>