Dave the Lollipop

From Transcendence AU Wiki

Dave the Lollipop is a giant lollipop that communicates solely through bloodcurdling, albeit quiet, screams.[1][2]


Dave is a swirly rainbow lollipop with a human mouth. He is roughly the size of a child's head.[2]


Dave was created by Dipper and given to Micah as a present. Micah thought he was adorable and decided to keep him as a pet.[2]

At one point, the Summerween Trickster attempted to eat Dave. Micah rescued him by offering him some of Dave's food (other candy).[3]


  • Dave tastes like cotton candy.[2]


  1. transcendence-au. "iamafandomhopper asked: How does Larry the Sandwich communicate...". [Tumblr] <https://www.tumblr.com/transcendence-au/116903897118/how-does-larry-the-sandwich-communicate-and-for?source=share>
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 transcendence-au. "Anonymous asked: Headcannon: At some point when Dipper gives someone a screaming lollipop, that person thinks...". [Tumblr] <https://www.tumblr.com/transcendence-au/102402953208/headcannon-at-some-point-when-dipper-gives-someone-a?source=share>
  3. transcendence-au. "Anonymous asked: Headcannon for Micah the supernatural pet collector...". [Tumblr] <https://www.tumblr.com/transcendence-au/104704840093/headcannon-for-micah-the-supernatural-pet?source=share>