
From Transcendence AU Wiki

Micah Forrest is a young collector of supernatural pets. He is a reincarnation of Grenda von Fundshauser.[1]


Micah lives in Gravity Falls/Joneboro (sources contradict -- he might have moved).[2][3] He loves pets, and gets a lot of them from both Dipper and his own expeditions into the woods. Dipper gave Micah Dave the Lollipop (a big screaming lollipop that tastes like cotton candy). Micah thought it was adorable, and has been the proud owner of the piece of candy ever since.[4]

Once, the Summerween Trickster tried to eat Dave. Micah saved him by giving him some of Dave's food (candy) instead. Then Micah adopted the Trickster, and so began an epic rivalry between the two candy monsters for Micah's affection.[5] Either that, or he kills the Candy monster and when it reforms, it becomes Dave's bro, with Micah begging his parents to let him keep it.[6]

As Micah gets older his pets become more and more extravagant. He also began taking in injured creatures with the hopes of nursing back to health. Eventually, his parents put their foot down, and placed some major restriction on just what sort of supernatural pets he was allowed to keep.[2]

Micah got his first job when he was fifteen, at the the local animal shelter, but it just wasn't the same. Eventually, he got a job working part-time at the local Habitat for Transcendence Entities -- or HTE -- where he helped feed and take care of a many relocated supernatural beings that had either broken the rules or had lost their home due to development predating the equal rights movement. It was there that his prowess with all things magical really began to show. He did so well that he would later become the place's manager.[2]

He would also go on to graduate from his local college with a double-major in Veterinary Medicine and Supernatural Studies and a minor in Business. Soon after, unsatisfied with how the system was run, he would quite his job to start a sanctuary of his own, which would prove to be very successful.[2]


Micah is an upbeat and easily excitable kid. Ever since being gifted a screaming lollipop by Dipper, he's harbored an intense fascination for supernatural creatures.[2]



Micah calls Dipper 'uncle Dipper', despite (probably) not being related to him in any way. For whatever reason, Dipper regularly gives Micah unique 'pets'.


Micah's collection of pets includes but is not limited to:

Dave the Lollipop

Dave is a giant lollipop that's always screaming. He was Micah's first "pet," and spurred his love for supernatural creatures.

Steve the Butterfly

Steve is a giant butterfly with blue and purple wings that are as wide across as a child is tall. When Micah found Steve in the woods of Gravity Falls, Steve was still a normal butterfly. However, soon after, he came in contact with some size-changing crystals, which caused him to grow to gigantic proportions. Micah tickled him, and Steve followed him home.[3]

Unnamed golem

Both Micah and the golem would argue against the use of the word "pet."[7]



  1. haberdashing (mod H). "Anonymous asked: I saw the post about possible Candy...". [Tumblr] <https://haberdashing.tumblr.com/post/109686627414/i-saw-the-post-about-possible-candy-and-grenda>
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 SandriaC. "Micah's Magical Menagerie" (2015). [Archive of Our Own] <https://archiveofourown.org/works/4391396/chapters/9968960>
  3. 3.0 3.1 Haberdasher (mod H). "Micah's Little Friend" (2014). [Archive of Our Own] <https://archiveofourown.org/works/2830436>
  4. transcendence-au. "Anonymous asked: Headcannon: At some point when Dipper gives someone a screaming lollipop, that person thinks...". [Tumblr] <https://www.tumblr.com/transcendence-au/102402953208/headcannon-at-some-point-when-dipper-gives-someone-a?source=share>
  5. transcendence-au. "Anonymous asked: Headcannon for Micah the supernatural pet collector...". [Tumblr] <https://www.tumblr.com/transcendence-au/104704840093/headcannon-for-micah-the-supernatural-pet?source=share>
  6. transcendence-au. "Anonymous asked: HC: So, the Summerween Trickster is made up of the candy everyone throws away, right?". [Tumblr] <https://www.tumblr.com/transcendence-au/106140757027/hc-so-the-summerween-trickster-is-made-up-of-the?source=share>
  7. transcendence-au. "Anonymous asked: You know how some kids used to have a pet rock?". [Tumblr] <https://www.tumblr.com/transcendence-au/153512500572/you-know-how-some-kids-used-to-have-a-pet-rock?source=share>