Drephl Shims

From Transcendence AU Wiki
Drephl, with Ghali and a young Rleiph
Drephl Shims (right) with Ghali Shims (middle) and Rleiph Shims (left) (Source)

Drephl is an artificial reincarnation of Alcor the Dreambender. He works finding and reselling antiques and valuable books.

Physical description

Drephl is of average height, with yellow eyes, tan skin, and naturally platinum blonde hair that he wears in a swooping style. He prefers studious clothes out of the house, but values comfortability the most.He almost always wears a friendship choker with a blue stone.


Drephl is a very down-to-earth person, and enjoys a good mystery. He prefers to stay inside reading, rather than playing around.


Drephl Grew up very close with his twin brother Frihl, but became estranged later in life from conflicting lifestyles. He moved in with his best friend Ghali after graduation, and at 22 they got married for financial reasons. They had a child together using a recent technology designed for same-sex couples, and co-parented. The two of them moved into their daughter's neighborhood when their grandchild was born, and would babysit regularly. Ghali died at 83, and Drephl died at 87.


Frihl Shims

Frihl is his twin brother, they were inseparable as children, but became estranged once Frihl’s Pro-Nat Husband’s views started rubbing off on him.


Ghali is Drephl’s best friend, partner, and spouse. They are both AroAce, and decided to get married for financial reasons.


Rleiph Is Drephl and Ghali’s daughter. Drephl and Ghali love her more than anything, and do their best to guide her through life. Drephl took a break from work until she went off to school, out of fear that he’d be a stranger like his mother. They have a very good relationship with each other.


Drephl's father raised him and Frihl by himself, and would often read them the books he wrote when they were little.


Drephl saw very little of his mother growing up, with her traveling so often for death ball matches.


Sezija. “Forget, Fight, Finish” [Archive of Our Own]https://archiveofourown.org/works/43804593

sezija . “The Family :3”. [Tumblr] https://www.tumblr.com/sezija/746861923753197568/the-family-3