Ghali Shims

From Transcendence AU Wiki
Ghali Shims (middle) with Drephl Shims (right) and Rleiph Shims (left) (Source)

Ghali is a centaur who works as a programmer.

Physical description

Ghali is a female centaur with a snow white coat,with dark brown spots scattered here and there. She has brown skin, curly white hair and tail, and chestnut brown eyes. She almost always wears a friendship choker with a blue stone. She likes to wear very put together outfits, very stylish, but in an effortless, sophisticated way.


Ghali is observant, and often comes prepared. She can usually keep her cool in stressful situations, and loves to laugh. She is very thoughtful, and likes to look at the big picture.


Ghali met her best friend Drephl at a school book club when they were 17, and moved in together after graduation. They had a child together using a technology designed for same-sex couples. The two of them moved into their daughter’s neighborhood when their grandchild was born, and would babysit often. Ghali died at 83.



Drephl is Ghali’s best friend and lifelong partner.


Rleiph Is Ghali’s only child, and she loves her very much. They have a good relationship with each other.


  • Ghali works as a computer programmer.


Sezija. “Forget, Fight, Finish”. [Archive of Our Own]

sezija. “The Family :3” [Tumblr]