
From Transcendence AU Wiki

Georgi is Florian Hawthorne's roommate.[1]

Physical description

Georgi is a satyr with purple wool. As a teenager, he had more human hands with four fingers, but after awakening his magic they became more goat-like.[2]

He also had black wool as a teenager. He dyed it purple through magical experimentation.[3]


Georgi is described as being the rational one out of him, Florian, and Dipper.[4] Despite this, he is also somewhat of a trickster, as he once tricked Florian and Dipper into a fight with one another over a broken coffee machine that he himself actually broke.[1]


Georgi has an impressive amount of magical power for a satyr. He has to take a magical depressant to limit the amount of magic his body generates, otherwise he could die.[5]

As a child, Georgi's magical powers worked to shield him from unwanted attention in the years he spent at various foster homes. Over the years, this built into a thick barrier that made his aura almost invisible, even to demons like Alcor. Now that he can control his magic better, he is working to be better at making his presence known.[6]


Georgi lived in many foster homes as a child, and was treated badly for being a satyr.[6]

Because of his latent magical powers, he often had dizzy spells and headaches before he was able to get on magical depressant medication.[2]

He met Florian, and later Alcor, in college.


  • When Georgi and Florian go to the beach, they make bets on how many disasters will happen to Florian.[7]
  • He is lactose-intolerant.[8]
  • Georgi is a trans man.[9]



  1. 1.0 1.1 avespecora (mod V). "Anonymous asked: honestly, i’d watch a sitcom of florian and alcor and the satyr roommate". [Tumblr] <>
  2. 2.0 2.1 avespecora (mod V). "Anonymous asked: WHAT HAPPENED TO GEORGI’S HANDS, CAPTAIN?". [Tumblr] <>
  3. avespecora (mod V). "Anonymous asked: Wait so what exactly does Georgi actually do science wise? What exactly is he testing on himself??". [Tumblr] <>
  4. avespecora (mod V). "Florian and Dipper share one braincell and usually Florian’s roommate has it.". [Tumblr] <>
  5. avespecora (mod V). "Anonymous asked: what is the satyr roommate smoking on that pipe of his??????". [Tumblr] <>
  6. 6.0 6.1 avespecora (mod V). "Anonymous asked: why doesn’t georgi have an aura?". [Tumblr] <>
  7. avespecora (mod V). "beach episodeeee". [Tumblr] <>
  8. avespecora (mod V). "I should just write fic instead of making half finished comics at this point but UHHHHHH im not a writer lmao". [Tumblr] <>
  9. avespecora (mod V). "feferipeixes asked: is Florian wearing a binder in the latest comic? 👀". [Tumblr] <>