Henry Travers

From Transcendence AU Wiki

Henry Travers is Hank Pines's grandson and one of the leaders of the Dinner Crew. He is most well-known for turning the Dinner Crew into an actual mafia.



Henry has dark curly hair and an unfreckled face. While he does bear some resemblance to his grandfather Hank, he is of average height.[1]


Henry has a very 'ends justify the means' mentality about the world. He is intensely against pro-nats, and believes that nearly all humans fall into this category due to their lack of dedication to preternatural rights. Because of this, he turns to violence, following the line of thinking that if humans won't change on their own, he and the Dinner Crew can force them.[1]


As a child, Henry met Dipper only once or twice he was very small. He was aware of their relation only through family stories. He took control of the Dinner Crew at some point after his grandfather Hank's death and remained leader for roughly nine years. During this time, he raided and threatened local businesses in order to ensure compliance. At some point, he locked up Kiyo and Toby after they expressed disapproval of his methods.

Eventually, he summoned Dipper to help him in his cause and ended up binding him to his will using his true name. Shortly after this incident, Dipper deposed of Henry.[1] In the aftermath of Henry's rule, the Dinner Crew spends a lot of time rebuilding trust with the rest of Portland.[2]


  • Lucy Ann is Henry's godmother and therefore knows his true name.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 oreramar (mod O). "Under New Management" (2015). [Tumblr] <https://oreramar.tumblr.com/post/128138190076/under-new-management>
  2. ThisCat. "Small Things About Demons, chapter 7: Lucy Ann makes a visit" (2015). [Archive of Our Own] <https://archiveofourown.org/works/4829432/chapters/11624065>