Lata Pines

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Lata Pines is a reincarnation of Henry Pines who is born during the Bentley Farkas and Friends Arc. They are notable as the first reincarnation of Henry to survive past infancy after Paloma Heart.[1]


Lata loves music. Starting at age seven, they learned how to play a number of musical instruments, until deciding at age nine that they favored the ukulele. Over their life, they owned eight ukulele, carefully maintained, sparsely decorated. The last was buried with them.[2]


Lata's parents are Kanti and Reynash Pines.[3]


  1. storiewriter (mod K). "Lata" (2015). [Archive of Our Own] <>
  2. storiewriter (mod K). "Twelve Days (Christmas 2017)" (2017). [Archive of Our Own] <>
  3. storiewriter (mod K). "Orange Lilies" (2016). [Archive of Our Own] <>