
From Transcendence AU Wiki
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Mindy is a being comprised of fire, and is, in Dipper's own words, more or less like a pixie. She was originally human. At the age of five, she attempted to make a deal with the demon Karnisa the Giver to receive all the magic she could use. Of course, being a demon, Karnisa took her request rather literally. If it weren't for the intervention of Dipper, she would have died. As it was, he had to change her into the only form she could continue to exist as. She helps out Hank and the Dinner Crew on occasion.[1]


  1. Seiya234 (mod S). "Hank and His Supernatural Mafia" (2014). [Archive of Our Own] <https://archiveofourown.org/works/2599724?view_full_work=true>