Orso Walter

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Orso Walter, also known as Orrie, is a young boy who attended the Manor of Alcor murder mystery event.[1]

Physical description

He has blond hair streaked with strands of royal blue, a feature he shares with his father. This is due to them having some Kinnara ancestry.



As a teenager, Orrie's grandfather was a part of a minor Alcor the Dreambender cult called the Seekers of Starlight. This cult, like the Cult of Dippingsauce, treated Alcor as a person, and often summoned him for friendly activities such as playing Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons, or tutoring kids using sock puppets. The stories Orrie's grandfather told him are part of why Orrie says he isn't afraid of Alcor like he knows he should be.


  1. RNWalker. "The Manor of Alcor" (2018). [Archive of Our Own] <https://archiveofourown.org/works/14700249/chapters/33970755>