Albert Corduroy

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Albert Corduroy is Arnold Corduroy and Manly Dan's father. He came from a long line of loggers, brawlers, builders, and alcoholics, and was not a very good father. He and his wife Virginia Corduroy had nine children: Little Al, Curtis, John, Rene, Ed, Lake, Dan, Bertina, and Arnold.[1]

In some versions of canon, however, Arnold and Dan's father and Virginia Corduroy's husband is actually a man named Henry "Hawk" Corduroy, after whom Henry Pines was presumably named.[2]


  1. Seiya234 (mod S). "Shooting Stars, chapter 222" (2014). [Archive of Our Own] <>
  2. transcendence-au. "The Pines Family Tree". [Tumblr] <>