Pinni Argenta

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Pinni Argenta is a demonologist and mother to Naomi Argenta. She died in childbirth.[1]


Pinni resembles her daughter. She is short, and has dark brown hair and eyes. Being a selkie, she almost always wore a long sealskin coat.


Pinni is a very blunt, distrustful person who doesn't like to speak to people she doesn't know well; this can lead her to being easily misunderstood. She is fiercely protective of her family and would go to great lengths to protect them, sometimes to the point of being overbearing.[2]

She has a fear of humans.



  1. ToothPasteCanyon (mod T). "Noie's Brother" (2019). [Archive of Our Own] <>
  2. ToothPasteCanyon (mod T). "Noie's Mother" (2020). [Archive of Our Own] <>